Do you own or run a café or restaurant by the sea or on the coast?

Do you own a café or eatery on the coast?

If so, we’d love to hear from you as we want to populate our maps to show exactly where you are and give a solid description of what hungry visitors can expect to find there.

There’s no charge for this, in fact we’d be honoured to be able to put your place on our map!  If you’re interested you can create your own listing by clicking this link

We would recommend your listing includes a good photo, this can be the exterior, the interior, or a shot of your favourite dish. Our website visitors typically ask the following questions and so this should form the basis of your description:

  • Name of Café/Restaurant
  • Where is it and phone number?
  • Owners name
  • What’s on the menu?
  • What is the mood/ambience?
  • Can visitors see the ocean?
  • How would you rate your prices?  Cheap/Average/Higher than average/Exclusive
  • Must we book? If so, how?

Cafés and eateries are wanted by our visitors and we’d like to get at least one cafe for every one of our 1400+ beaches and this should drive people your way this season.

For more information check out our advertising page

Look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks
