Community Membership

You can use Coast Radar with no charges, and unlike our competitors, no large company funds us but just one person with the help of some community supporters. I try to cover costs through Adsense, but that is difficult with the ever-increasing costs due to the volume of visitors and my ambitions to bring new exciting tech like AI Chatbots, which are not cheap to implement.

This is where Community Membership comes in as a means for people to support Coast Radar to roughly the cost of one coffee a month and, in return, get some experience benefits:

No AdsWhilst logged in, we will remove all adverts from the website while browsing
Coast AI ChatbotFull access to the Coast AI-powered Chatbot
ItinerariesPlan your trip by creating itineraries and keep them private or share them with the community
Add listingsContribute by adding a listing to any category, even if you are a business owner.
Add eventsIf you are running an event, then register the details.

The recurring community memberships have a 1-day trial for you to try, and you can cancel at any time, whilst the Boost gives you a fixed one-month access.

Thanks for the support,

Level Price  
Community (monthly) £0.00 now and then £3.95 per Month after your 1 day trial. Select
Community (Annual) £0.00 now and then £39.00 per Year after your 1 day trial. Select
Boost £3.95 now.
Membership expires after 1 Month.